Yesterday was a rare day with no kid activities after school or in the evening. My husband arrived home from a trip and offered to make dinner. All of the kids had homework and after a quick snack, everyone went to their rooms to work on it. What was I going to do with myself? The laundry was done and so were the dishes. I was caught up on my email and nothing was happening on Facebook. Sadly, I gave up Pinterest for Lent so that was not an option. And then I remembered – my blog.

I know I have neglected my blog. Having a free afternoon gave me the opportunity to look over some of the things I wrote over the past few years. Wow! I didn’t realize how much I missed it. I forgot about some of those crazy moments and enjoyed reading about them again. I used to write regularly, but then I just stopped. What happened to me?

I am still writing – just not blog posts. I write every morning before my day gets started, but this time I am getting paid to write. For those of you that don’t know, I have been writing for regional parenting publications. My work has been published 46 times in over two dozen magazines in the US and Canada since October. It has been a thrilling time as I am writing, submitting, networking and learning as I go!

But even with my exciting new adventure, I still miss my blog. I can’t tell you how many times I encountered something in my life in these past few months and thought, “That would make a great blog post.”

It was my blog that pushed me to submit some of my work. I got a lot of encouragement from my readers over the past couple of years. I remember one moment in particular. I was standing in the elementary school gym, talking with a few other moms. It was a school carnival and my son dashed back and forth from the games to bring me his prizes to hold. While I was talking, one of the moms said how much she enjoyed my blog post that day. The other mom chimed in that she read it too, and they discussed it for a couple of minutes. A third mom walked by and overheard us talking. She stopped and said, “Pam’s blog? I love reading it.” I was so touched to have these women say such nice things about my writing. I read the stats on my blog, but I never realized that so many people read my posts on a regular basis. The women went on to say that I should try to get some of my work published. At the time, I shrugged them off, thinking there was no way that was going to happen. But it was too late. The seed was already planted. (Thank you, Nina and Shannon. You may not remember that moment, but it is one that I will never forget.)

Sadly, after that, my blog(s) took a backseat to my article writing. (In addition to this blog, I have a food blog at After reading my old posts yesterday, I made a decision. In the words of Elwood Blues, “I am putting the band back together.” As I said, I have so much fodder for this blog as a suburban working mom and I love to share the recipes on my food blog. I am going to make an effort to post at least once a week in each blog, so keep an eye out for it. If you don’t already do so, you can follow my blog(s) via email, Facebook or Twitter. Feel free to leave a comment. You never know how your words can change the course of someone’s life.

Hello and Welcome to This Mom’s Journey! I am a married mom of three active kids, ages 12, 9 and 7. I live in suburbia and drive a mini van – although I am hoping this is the last year. My kids are active in sports, music and other activities, which means I spend a lot of time shuttling them back and forth (thus the need for the mini van).

I am a former graphic artist who burned out at my job and went looking for something more flexible and family friendly. I started a pet sitting and dog walking business. After the first year, I wanted to expand my business and I went back to school to be a dog groomer. To keep the flexible lifestyle I started, I groom dogs out of my house during the school day. I am then free to be a mom without the guilty balance of work and family.

My husband and I are high school sweethearts and have been married almost 20 years. We enjoy spending time together, both with our kids and just the two of us. The best part of our day is making dinner together and relaxing with a glass of wine.

I am a big volunteer. In fact, I do have a hard time saying no. Why is it that it’s always the same people who volunteer and often times, the busiest ones? I am a Girl Scout leader, room mom, PTA committee member and help out in the libraries and classrooms of my kids schools. I also volunteer at church as a part of my kids’ religious education. The only thing I don’t do is coach sports as I did not play as a kid. My husband covers that part of our life – I think he coaches five teams covering two sports each year.

I have two black Labrador Retrievers who we rescued 2 years ago. We also have a black cat who showed up on our door step as a kitten. Is that good or bad luck? Either way, he is now part of our family!

My passion is writing. I love the written word. I am an avid reader and my favorite subject in school was English. I have recently started writing online for Ehow and I have two blogs – this one and one about my journey as a writer.

Thank you for stopping by to read this new blog and new part of my journey. Please feel free to comment at any time and share your journey with me.